Since there are no hills in College Station I decided to get creative with my training. I wanted to run some hills so I decided to go to Kyle Field and run up and down the ramps. Here is my WOD:
Warm up
-1/2 mile jog to Kyle Field
-jog up to the 3rd deck and back down
3 rounds of:
sprint to 1st deck, jog down
sprint to 2nd deck, jog down
sprint to 3rd deck, jog down
Garmin Stats-
Time- 38:01
Distance- 3.79 miles
Pace- 10:02 min/mile
Calories- 790
All I can say to this WOD is BURN, my quads were on fire by the 3rd round sprinting to the 3rd deck. The gates are usually locked but lucky for me the one on the alumni side near the zone was not. If you want a good hill workout, try this.

This is a picture from our wedding last year. Yesterday (February 28th) Alicia and I celebrated our one year anniversary, it has been a great first year of marriage and we are looking forward to many more!
Here is yesterday's workout:
Sunday, February 28th - 8am
warm up
-15 x glute ham sit ups (3 sets w/ 90 seconds rest in between)
-10 x man makers (25#)
Strength - front squat
bar x 5, 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 5, 195 x 5, 215 x 5, 235 x 5
Met Con - mainsite last week
5 rounds of:
max reps 2/3 bodyweight thrusters (140#)
max reps pull ups
Thrusters - 11, 9, 6, 6, 6
Pull ups - 12, 10, 9, 9, 9
10 minute cut off of:
2k row
max reps double unders
2k row - 7:56.9
Double Unders - 88
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