Sunday, January 31, 2010

WOD - Thrusters are brutal

Warm up -
200 m row
PVC stretch x 10
Bergener Warm up with barbell
- snatch shrug x 10
- elbows high x 10
- muscle snatch x 10
- hang snatch x 10
- snatch balance x 10
3 rounds of:
pull ups x 10
53# kb swing x 10

Strength -
95# x 2 / 115# x 2 / 135# x 2 / 155# x 2 / 175# x 2

Met. Con. -
5 Rounds for time of:
135# Thrusters x 7 reps
500 m row

Time - 17:19

I'm trying to get a feel for heavy thrusters again, it's been a while. These can definitely get you if you're not used to them. I think I am going to try this workout again in a couple of weeks with a 400 m run instead of a row, should be brutal.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Posting Workouts

I have been crossfitting consistently now for 2 weeks after focusing on running and triathlons for the last four and a half months. I crossfitted 6 days last week with a couple of those being two a days and five days this week with one two a day. I am definitely feeling it :-)

I have to say that I absolutely love working out with all of our athletes in the various class times I have been attending. You have all made tremendous progress and working out with you really pushes me to work harder. The only way to get better is to work hard and when you work out on your own you just don't push as hard. I had a chance to deadlift with Kirk yesterday and it amazed me how easy he made 385# look, and I know working in with him helped me get my set of 335#. Also, squatting with Zach and Will on Monday was extremely humbling. Zach squatted a very impressive 350#, and he probably weighs 160....over twice his body weight! While I struggled to get up 315#. My strength has definitely suffered from the marathon training, but that's part of the deal, now it's time to get it back.

I really like Daren's blog and how he posts his daily workouts so I am going to start doing the same thing. Beginning today I will post my daily workouts, whether it's a run, a ride, a crossfit WOD, a two a day, or even a rest day. Feel free to post comments, I need as much accountability as possible right now. In the last couple of weeks on days when I am not sure whether or not to get a second WOD in I text Daren and ask him what he thinks I should do, and he responds "heck ya, you gotta get ready for the games". It's funny because I text him and know what he's going to say but that accountability is awesome, thanks Daren.

I hope all of our athletes do the same thing, post your workout results on our blog daily. Let our crossfit community know your progress. I know some of you already do post but I challenge those of you who don't to start on Monday as well.

Six weeks and counting until the CrossFit Sectionals competition.

Today's Workout -

5 mile run - pretty cold and windy, I think it was 34 degrees

Garmin stats -

5.00 miles
Total time - 40:52.72
avg. mile - 8:11
810 calories

I have to say it felt AWESOME getting back out on the pavement, I have not gone out on a real run since my half marathon 2 weeks ago. My plan is to get 2 runs in a week between 3 and 6 miles.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Goal Accomplished

I ran the Half Marathon in Houston this morning, the weather was perfect and the race was amazing. The last time I ran in this race was one year ago, it was my first full marathon and it was also a beautiful and memorable day. Today was especially great because my wife and I were both running together, it was exactly 3 years ago that we ran this race together and it was my first attempt at a half marathon. My time that day was 1:56:23, I felt really good about it and thought that 13.1 miles would be the most I would ever run. Well, I couldn't resist running more, haha.

Today my goal was to run the half marathon in 1:45:00, which I have to say is a very high goal for me. One of the TWC trainers, Will Schaub, recommended that if I wanted to finish the race in 1:45:00, I should start the race at a 8 minute mile pace and try to maintain that pace until the last few miles then pick it up if I could. I was a little worried about following this advice, I was afraid that I would not be able to maintain that pace. I thought that I should start the race at a 9 minute mile pace and warm up, then pick up my pace at mile 8 or 9. Fortunately I followed Will's advice. I started the race at an 8 minute mile pace and actually maintained that pace throughout the entire race. Some miles were 8:03 and some were 7:57, but they all averaged out just right because I finished the race in 1:44:12, I am so amazed that I was able to do this. Out of the 13,000 plus runners today who ran the half marathon I finished in the top 5%.

I am now officially convinced that any person can improve their physical genetic make up if they work hard and put their mind to it. If you know me personally, or have read my book, then you know I am not a runner. I am not built like a runner and I have never been a fast runner. So for me to run a 1:44:12 and average a 7:56 minute mile is a miracle or a product of hard work (and of course answered prayers). Some of you reading this are thinking about one day running something, whether it's 1 mile or a 26 mile marathon. But you might be a little worried, you might think you can't do it because "you're not a runner". Well I'm here to tell you that's not true, anyone can do it, just train for it, train your body to run. A book I just started reading is really interesting, it is called Born To Run and it is about a tribe called the "Tahamaru". I am only five chapters into the book but the book explains that the human body was born to run, we simply choose not to.

My next goal in 2010 is an even bigger challenge. I am registered for the CrossFit Sectionals competition in Austin on the weekend of March 13-14. This will be full of the best CrossFit athletes in the state. I have not been CrossFitting that much since I have been running so much, but all of that will change starting tomorrow. Tomorrow I will begin focusing on getting stronger, increasing my muscular endurance and all of my CrossFit weaknesses (I have plenty, trust me). This will be a big challenge, but I am ready for it and will give it everything I have.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Goal for 2010

If you are following my blog then I hope you have already set a specific goal for yourself. Remember that these goals can revolve around your workouts or your diet.

I am announcing my first goal for 2010, this Sunday I am running the Houston Half Marathon. This race filled up in 48 hours when it opened for registration in July. They offer a 5k, half and full marathon. There will be 20,000 people out there and it will be awesome. Last year this race was my first ever full marathon. After doing four marathons in 2009, it will feel a little weird making the turn at mile 9 instead of continuing with the route for the full 26.2 miles.

My training this last month has not been the best, since I ran the Dallas full on December 13th I have not ran over 8 miles and I only did that once. Most of my runs have been 4 to 6 miles. I have managed to keep an 8:30 - 8:45 pace on most of my runs which is really good for me, I am usually a 9:15 to 9:45 minute pace runner. I ran 6 miles yesterday in 50 minutes and felt pretty good. Last week I was sick and I did not workout for four days, that was the most consecutive days I have taken off in a long time. Then, I thought I was feeling better on the 5th day and did a 50 pull up/50 burpee workout and messed myself up again. Lesson learned: if you are sick or recovering from a really bad week of being sick, do not go all out on a crossfit workout.

So, my first goal for 2010 is to run this half marathon (13.1 miles) in one hour and 45 minutes. This is setting the bar extremely high for me, my fastest half is 1:53:46 which was 2 years ago in College Station at the Armadillo Dash. I will have to start the race strong and maintain that pace the entire time. A 1:45:00 half marathon is roughly an 8 minute mile pace. We'll see how it goes.

I will post my time Sunday night and also post my next goal for 2010.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goal Setting for 2010

The new year is finally here, it is time for all of us to begin acting on whatever goals/resolutions we have been thinking of for the past few weeks or maybe even days. Some of you might have even came up with your goals for 2010 yesterday. Well, my post today is going to be about the importance of goal setting and how to ensure that you do everything you can to achieve those goals.

Let's start with the "Why", some of you reading this have not officially committed yourself to a specific goal for 2010. I am not referring to a "new years resolution", I am talking about a SPECIFIC goal that you might have in the next 3-6 months. Why is it important to have a specific goal? Since I am in the fitness industry why don't I use nutrition/exercise as an example. If you are not working towards something, if all you are doing is working out, trying to eat the best you can then you are not going to make significant improvements in your physique or your performance. (Before you get upset with me because that is all you are currently doing please read the rest of this post) Goal setting is important in order for you to make progress from where you are right now. Some of you are not completely satisfied with the progress you have made with your exercise/diet regimen, then why not set a specific goal in order to hold you accountable? I could use other analogies other than exercise/nutrition but I will stick to that one for now.

I have been working out (by choice) for 10 years this year. For many of those years I was just showing up to the gym, jogging because I wanted to lose weight, eating what I thought was healthy to have a flat stomach, not really having any specific goal in mind other than I would like to go to the pool, take my shirt off and feel good about myself. Throughout my childhood and teenage years I never experienced that so I was hoping to get there by exercise and diet. Is this a goal? Maybe, but remember I said a specific goal. Many of you have goals that are not specific, you want to lose weight, you want to feel good, you want to eat better...none of these are specific goals.

I would have to say that my first specific goal was the Body For Life Challenge in 2003. If you have ever heard of this challenge or done it yourself then you know what it entails, for those of you that don't, I will briefly describe it. You take a before picture with no shirt, with a side view, you follow a 12 week meal plan and a 12 week workout plan. Then you take an after picture 12 weeks later and mail in the pictures and answer a few questions that get entered into a competition. The winners win a lot of money and a few additional prizes. At the age of 21, that is what I wanted, I wanted to win that competition. Everyday for 12 weeks I did the necessary things in order to follow my meal plan and my exercise plan. At the end of the 12 weeks I really thought I was going to win, my pictures looked amazing, I could not believe the transformation I made. I started the challenge weighing 208 pounds with 16% body fat, I finished the challenge weighing 202 pounds with 6% body fat! The pictures said it all. Unfortunately I did not win, if I did, all of you would know (haha). But where I did feel like a winner was with the lesson that challenge taught me, prior to that challenge I had not set a specific goal in relation to my exercise/diet and I also had never fully committed to a healthy diet. That 12 weeks taught me the importance of both, setting specific goals and eating a healthy diet. Both are essential in order to make progress. Not to mention, it was right after that challenge that I became a Personal Trainer.

Now that you understand the importance of goal setting start thinking of what your goal will be for the next 3-6 months. It could be to run a 5k or maybe a marathon. It could be to not drink sodas for the month of January. Whatever it is you need to make sure that it is within your capability. I don't want you to say you are going to qualify for the Boston Marathon if your best marathon time is 4 hours and five minutes, I mean let's get real. A better goal would be to run a sub 4 hour marathon. Then you never know, lose a few pounds, do a ton of speed work, and in a few years you might just be able to do that. Write your goal down somewhere, look at it as often as possible and tell someone who is extremely close to you. Ask them to support you and hold you accountable. Whatever it takes, work as hard as you have to in order to achieve that goal.

1 Corinthians 9:27
I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.