Thursday, March 25, 2010


I decided to do our wod today -

I don't know what Daren was thinking when he came up with this one, probably one thing...impossible...


warm up
-3/4 mile run
-20 push ups
-a few handstand push ups and kb swings


50 thrusters (115#)
25 burpees
16 HSPU (hand stand push ups) - I used 2 abmats

Time: 13:25

By the time I got to HSPU my shoulders were shot, it felt like the 2nd wod at sectionals. I attempted one head to ground HSPU and got it but my feet were coming off the wall. Then I attempted a HSPU with 1 abmat and got it but I knew if I continued to do that I would be doing them all day. So, I had to go with 2 abmats and I was getting 3 at a time at the beginning then 2 at a time. I wasn't winded, just didn't have the strength left to do them.


  1. excuses excuses excuses. you know what a champion would say? that didn't go well, lets try it again and faster this time with more weight and a weight vest on the HSPUs

  2. That's what I need to hear coach! That's it, I'm ordering a vest asap!
