The WODS for this weekend were posted last night, if you have not checked them out here they are:
WOD 1 (Saturday, 9am) "Dead Man's Row"
In 12 minutes, complete:
2K Row + Max Reps Deadlift (275/185lbs)
Score = Row time - (Deadlift Reps x 5 seconds)
WOD 2 (Saturday, 1pm) "Mabry Medley"
3 Rounds of (12 min cap):
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Barbell Ground-to-Overhead (135lbs)
12 Burpees
2 Handstand Push-ups
6 Barbell Ground-to-Overhead (95lbs)
10 Burpees
Score = Elapsed Time
WOD 3 (Sunday, 9am) "On To The Next"
For time (25 min cap):
15 Thrusters (115/65lbs)
Run 100 feet
50 One-Arm Kettlebell Snatches (24/16kg)
Run 100 feet
100 Double Unders
Run 100 feet back to kettlebell station
50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
Farmer Walk with kettlebell 100 feet, back to barbell station
15 Barbell Snatch (115/65lbs)
Score = Elapsed Time
I have to start out by giving Jeremy Thiel, Carry Kepler and all the people at CrossFit Central major props for putting together a weekend that is going to be awesome. I am sure hosting this event has taken a lot of time and effort. We appreciate you guys!
These wods are definitely do-able. There will be a lot of top notch athletes out there so people who usually compete at a level 10 will be competing at a level 12. I am going to study some videos today on the kettlebell snatch and work on my snatch technique. I think I have a few advantages in some areas of these wods and I feel that I have a few areas that could slow me down if I don't get my mind where it needs to be. I am going to spend the next 40 hours getting focused and getting motivated. I will pray and ask God to be with me and I will be going through the workouts in my head over and over. I am so excited, I feel like I am in high school again preparing for the biggest football game of the year! Any prayers out there would be much appreciated.
1 Chronicles 16:11 Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
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