Friday, March 26, 2010


For those of you who are looking at the title of my post and wondering "what in the heck"...el jefe means "The Chief" in spanish. I did a CrossFit workout this morning with the 7am class (which rocked I might add) called "The Chief". Here is how it goes:

5 sets of:

3 min max rounds of:
3 Cleans
6 Push ups
9 Squats
1 minute rest

I did 135# Squat Cleans and it killed my legs, it was one of those workouts where I had to lay down for 10 minutes after just to get up was an amazing workout. I feel like it was my best workout all week. I did exactly 4 rounds every 3 minute round (if that makes sense).

Tomorrow I will be at Traditions Golf Club for their DEMO DAY performing free TPI (Titlest Performance Institute) Golf Fitness Screenings. They are opening this up to the public so if you play golf come on out!

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