So I have to say that the Affiliate Gathering, known as FilFest 2010, has been awesome so far. Yesterday was the first day and as I am traveling down the elevator to go to the conference it stops on one of the floors and in walks Greg Glassman!! The founder and creator of CrossFit, known to the CrossFit community as Coach. We chatted on the elevator and walked together to the conference. What a way to start the day. (above you will see a pic of Coach, my lovely wife Alicia and I heading out to the beach for the group workout)
The entire first half of the conference was Coach Glassman did the talking, really good stuff. He is very genuine and down to earth guy, he gives the community all of the credit for CrossFit's success.
During lunch we had an opportunity to take the new standardized exm that beginning mid march all Level one Certifications will have to take. This is HUGE for CrossFit, with this CrossFit will be a nationally and worldly accredited certification. All individuals who have attended a certification in the past and are considered certified crossfit trainers (like me) will have to take the test and score an 80% or higher to remain certified. I recieved my test score this morning and I passed!
The afternoon was filled with more great speakers and we ended the day with a KILLER WOD put on by the guys at We Are CrossFit Miami. Here we go....
Friday, February 19th - 5:30pm - Partner WOD (my partner was Dave Castro from CrossFit HQ)
-various drills on the beach, awesome warm up
WOD - it is hard to describe but I'll do my best
3 rounds for time of:
4 stations in a square of:
1. lateral jumps over cones with partner alternating every 5 jumps then wheel barrel carry them to the next station approximately 30 yards switching who carrys who at 15 yards
2. 30 Burpees in the sand alternating every 5 reps with your partner then backward run 30 yards to the next station, your partner is in the straight arm push up position while the other partner is doing burpees
3. 30 reps of Knees to elbows Planks counting one rep as a left and right knee to elbow, each partner does 5 reps then planks while the other partner goes then we had to carry our partner 30 feet (15 feet each) to the next station
4. 30 PVC overhead squats alternating every 5 reps while the partner stays in the squat position with bar overhead then sprint back to the first station
3 rounds was INTENSE! It took us 15:19 and we were about the 3rd or 4th group to finish. I was exhausted but loved the wod!
This morning I worked out at the expo with some of the equipment that one of the vendors(SORINEX) brought. I worked out with 3 other affiliates and we did....
warm up
Strength - Deadlift
135 x 10, 225 x 5, 275 x 5, 275 x 5, 305 x 5
Met Con - I'll have to explain this a little
We had four stations which were-
1. Sled push 10 yards then pull 10 yards in a circle
2. 53# Kettle Bell Swing
3. Jump rope with a thick rope, really thick and heavy (double unders are impossible with this rope it's so thick)
4. 255# Deadlifts
So the person pushing and pulling the sled in a circle was the pacer, we rotated through the circuit and did as many reps as possible until the sled got back. We did 4 rounds....awesome WOD!
Then.....the Concept 2 Row people are here and they have a new product, the skier. They are doing a challenge to see who can ski 100 meters then shoot this video game gun into 5 holes (I know, really confusing) from about 25 yards away for time. If you miss a hole you have to do 5 burpees and you have to ski 500 total meters, so it is 5 rounds. Here is what I did:
ski 100 meters
missed 3 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 0 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 2 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 2 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 0 shots
35 burpees (because I missed 7 shots)
Time: 6:21
To sum this all up, I am exhausted but loving the conference!
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