Thursday, February 4, 2010

Heavy Squat Clean & Press/Diane

warm up
-3 rounds of 10 push ups
Strength - Squat Clean & Press
65 x 2
95 x 2
135 x 2
185 x 1
195 x 1
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1 (3 sets)

Met Con - Diane
21,15,9 of:
225# Deadlifts
Hand Stand Pushups (feet on the wall and tapping head on 2 abmats stacked)
Time: 9:15

I think the jump from 135# to 185# was too much, if you look at my weights I went back down after my first set of 195#, I don't think I was accustomed to the heavier weight with just one set at 135#. I list all of my sets because I want people to see that it takes quite a bit of reps to get accustomed to the movement. If I were to only list actual working sets, I would only list the 2 sets at 195# and 3 sets at 205#. So I actually only did 5 sets of one rep.

As for Diane, man...that was a challenge. I need to be able to do my deadlifts unbroken. Surprisingly I felt better on the set of 15 and 9 reps, I felt much better with the two exercises than I did on the 21. I have not done handstand push ups in a really long time either. The first set of 21 of each took me too long. IO really enjoyed todays workout but my body is telling me I need a rest day.....but I don't want to listen! What should I do based on this weeks workouts? Coach Daren? Or anyone else who has a comment?

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