6pm CSCF class
warm up
-few clean & presses
WOD - Heavy "Grace"
30 Clean & Press 155#
Time: 3:59
rest 10 minutes
Row 30 calories (58 seconds)
rest 2 minutes
Row 30 calories (59 seconds)
Then I decided to break in the new 70# kettlebell and do Heavy "Helen" with the on-ramp class...
warm up
-10 burpees
WOD - Heavy "Helen"
3 rounds of:
400 m run
21 KB Swing (70#)
12 Pull ups
Time: 11:25
I realized tonight that my pull ups are my Achilles heal. I think Will said it best last night when he said to me, "we need to get you 10 pounds lighter but also 10 pounds stronger". Pull ups have always been a struggle for me, I never even attempted pull ups until I started CrossFitting in May of 2008. I hated pull ups, the reason I hated them was because I was terrible at them. Don't we all usually do that? For example, if we are terrible runners, meaning we get tired quickly, we assume that running is not for us. I used to feel that way about running but now I know that if I run, do it consistently, I will be a better runner. I need to take the same approach I took towards running towards my pull ups, I know I can get better at them. It may take swallowing my pride and doing some band pull ups for a while, either way, I only have 2 and a half weeks until sectionals so I better hope the WODS favor my strengths so that I have more time to prepare for regional’s.
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