Today marks a special day in my life, not just because it is my birthday but because it was exactly 10 years ago when I decided to change the direction of my life. You hear how people sometimes say that you can go in different paths throughout life, how certain decisions you make can decide the rest of your life? This is very true, 10 years ago I decided that I wasn't going to be overweight, out of shape and unhappy with the way I looked and felt anymore.
When I turned 18 I was a senior in high school and I had fed my body junk for 18 years. My body looked that way too, I drank sodas, ate tacos, Chinese food, chips and name junk and I loved it and ate it regularly. I played football from 7th - 12th grade, was a varsity player my junior and senior year, but not because I worked out or worked hard. I hated running, was very slow, I rolled dice in the corner of the weight room during team workouts instead of lifting weights, pretty much I only liked playing the games and dreaded all the work that was involved in the sport.
These 10 years have been a journey and a huge blessing from God. I feel that He has used "fitness" to bring me closer to Him. I am also very blessed to have a wife who supports that and who is my biggest fan. She cheers me on at every race or event, understands my addiction to working out, cooks me healthy meals just the way I like them, even at 5am before I go to work, and the best thing is she feels this way no matter how inconvenient it can be at times.
All that "Train With Charlie" has been built on is a person who has grown to love working out and seen the amazing difference eating healthy can make and has wanted to share that with every person he comes in contact with since he found out. I feel like my experience is a map, it is information that leads anyone who follows the plan to an amazing treasure, a treasure that makes life great - the treasure of health - the treasure of feeling healthy and looking healthy. This treasure is also one that I feel God wants everyone of His children to find.
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).
The best thing about this map is that several people know the path, it is not a complicated thing. It is rather simple - eat healthy by putting things in your body that make it function properly and stay active enough at appropriate intensity for your age and lifestyle...that's it!
Of course the hard part is doing it, but, all it takes is a mental switch. For me, I was 18 when that switch flipped on. I had specific reasons for turning that switch on that are unique to me and my life at the time. For you it could be other reasons, but I assure you that when you flip that switch and begin your journey your life will change. Some of you are on your journey, and before you get frustrated because you are not getting the results you hoped for remember that those frustrations are part of the journey; and remember that I have been on my journey for 10 years. And I intend on being on my journey the rest of my life.
Ok, I could write forever but eventually you would stop reading so I will go ahead and post my workout for today:
6am CSCF Class:
Warm up -
overhead squat x 20 (22#)
barbell lunges x 10 (22#)
Strength - Split Jerk
45 x 3 (right leg)
95 x 3 (right leg)
135 x 3 (right leg)
135 x 3 (left leg)
155 x 3 (right leg)
155 x 3 (left leg)
Met Con - "Charlie" - for my b-day
21 Thrusters (115#) - did all 21 in a row
12 burpees
15 Thrusters - did 5 , 5 , 5
9 burpees
9 Thrusters - did 5 , 4
6 burpees
Time: 6:29
I really need to work on my split jerk, I am going to start watching a lot of video and have Daren watch me because after this morning I can tell it needs work. The met con was really good, I'm glad Daren recommended I do 115#. The burpees were actually a recovery for me, don't get me wrong, I was tired but my burpees were continuous and I was recovering from my thrusters while I did them. I am planning on doing a 2nd workout with Daren at 10:30am, a little lifting and a 5k row.
Warm up
Skill - double unders
Max consecutive reps (3 attempts)
1st - 76
2nd - 73
3rd - 3 (switched to a different rope so I am not counting this one)
3rd - 65
5k Row for time with Daren & Will -
Charlie - 20:10
Daren - 18:58
Will - 18:56
That row was brutal, great job guys!
max consecutive reps double unders (3 sets)
Charlie, Thanks for posting this... and Happy Birthday!