Saturday, February 27, 2010

3 bars of death....

Brandon and I hit it hard today, this is one that I have not done in a while.


warm up
-some light deadlift, bench press and power cleans

W.O.D. - "Linda" aka 3 bars of death
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of:

Deadlift (285# - 139% of bodyweight)
Bench Press (205# - 100% of my bodyweight)
Power Clean (155# - 75% of my bodyweight)

My Time: 23:36
Brandon's Time: 22:55 (he did 295# deadlift but bench and cleans were the same as me)

I wasn't sure how this one would be, I was aiming to finish under 25 minutes and did but wish I would have just done the 295# deadlift. It just felt incredibly heavy when I was warming up. I actually felt like I was getting stronger as the workout went on.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sore Calves

I woke up today and felt like I have never ran before, my calves were sore! Those 5 finger shoes definitely work your muscles in a different way.

I did a WOD with Daren today...


warm up


500m row
21 Ring Dips
21 Sit ups
21 Wall Ball (20#)
400m run
15 Ring dips
15 sit ups
15 wall ball
400m run
9 ring dips
9 sit ups
9 wall balls
500m row

My Time: 13:45
Daren's Time: 12:16

Strength - Overhead Squat

135 x 5, 155 x 5, 165 x 3, 165 x 5, 175 x 5, 185 x 5

I should have eaten something before the met con b/c I felt drained on that 2nd 400m run, like I was out of fuel, not out of strength. The last food I had was an apple and almond butter at 7:30am and my usual egg white, sweet potato, avocado breakfast at 5am. Lesson to all: eat at least 30 minutes before you workout. I had a shake and an orange right after the met con and then did the overhead squats, I was pretty pumped to get 185 for 5 reps. I felt like I could have gone up but ran out of time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Five Finger Shoes

You may have heard of the newest fad in running, some magazines and experts have recently talked about the benefits of running barefoot. The first thing that comes to mind is "ouch", right? I am 20 chapters into a book called Born To Run which is what I think inspired these thoughts. If you have not read that book, you should, even if you are not a runner. Well, a new line of shoes...not really shoes, more like gloves for your feet, called the 5 finger shoes is supposed to give you the closest and safest simulation of running barefoot.

I received a pair from my AWESOME brother (Henry), AWESOME sister-in-law (Laura) and COOLEST & CUTEST nephew(Little V) for my birthday and broke them in today. I have to say that it was definitely a different feeling than the addidas Supernova cushion I have grown accustomed to. I was definitely watching where I ran a lot closer because if you run over a crack or a rock you feel it. The first mile I was thinking about the different feeling it was and the small amount of pain I felt (really minor but I have wimpy feet). I felt the balls of my feet a lot more and right now (2 hours later) I feel them EVEN MORE. I thought that when I took the shoes off after the run the balls of my feet would be bleeding, lucky for me they weren't. I didn't have any pain in my joints but I did feel like the run was a little more taxing on my body, like I worked different muscles a little more than when I wear shoes. I will have to tell you more on that tomorrow :-) Overall, the run felt good, I am not going to endorse the shoe 100% yet so please do not go out and buy a pair because what I have said. Read the book Born To Run and make the decision for yourself. I have EXTREMELY sensitive feet so I am sure it will take me a few weeks to toughen them up. I am definitely looking forward to doing more runs in these shoes and EXTREMELY THANKFUL to Henry, Laura and Little V for getting me them as a gift!


Garmin Stats-

Time: 40:25
4.68 miles
Avg Pace: 8:39 min/mile
763 calories

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Heavy Grace and Heavy Helen

6pm CSCF class
warm up
-few clean & presses

WOD - Heavy "Grace"

30 Clean & Press 155#
Time: 3:59
rest 10 minutes
Row 30 calories (58 seconds)
rest 2 minutes
Row 30 calories (59 seconds)

Then I decided to break in the new 70# kettlebell and do Heavy "Helen" with the on-ramp class...

warm up
-10 burpees

WOD - Heavy "Helen"
3 rounds of:
400 m run
21 KB Swing (70#)
12 Pull ups

Time: 11:25

I realized tonight that my pull ups are my Achilles heal. I think Will said it best last night when he said to me, "we need to get you 10 pounds lighter but also 10 pounds stronger". Pull ups have always been a struggle for me, I never even attempted pull ups until I started CrossFitting in May of 2008. I hated pull ups, the reason I hated them was because I was terrible at them. Don't we all usually do that? For example, if we are terrible runners, meaning we get tired quickly, we assume that running is not for us. I used to feel that way about running but now I know that if I run, do it consistently, I will be a better runner. I need to take the same approach I took towards running towards my pull ups, I know I can get better at them. It may take swallowing my pride and doing some band pull ups for a while, either way, I only have 2 and a half weeks until sectionals so I better hope the WODS favor my strengths so that I have more time to prepare for regional’s.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

300 continued...

I came in the studio this morning and Brandon asked me if I wanted to do the 300 workout, I had to accept the challenge :-)

warm up

25 Pullups
50 Deadlifts (135 lbs )
50 Pushups
50 Box jumps
50 Floor wipers (135 lbs )
50 Kb Clean and Press (16Kg)
25 Pullups

Time 15:44 (improved since Feb. 1st when I did a 17:49)

Brandon's time - 14:11
Daren decided to participate too - 12:24
And...Will had to get in on the action - 18:21

Now Daren and I are gonna get some rowing in....

7 rounds of 500m row and 250m row:

500 m row-
Charlie Daren
1:49.3 (warm up) 1:58 (warm up)
1:48.1 1:45.8
1:54.9 1:49.5
1:54.1 1:50.3
1:51.0 1:50.3
1:50.3 1:49.7
1:44.8 1:49.5

250m row-
:46.8 :47

I have to say that I work a lot harder with Daren than on my own, awesome row workout!

I am planning on working out with the 4pm CSCF class today....

warm up
-rushed through circuit and a few deadlifts at 185#

30 Deadlifts (225#)
30 Double Unders
30 KTE
30 DB Split Cleans (30#)
30 Wall-Balls (20#)

Time: 8:00

Strength - Squats
135x5, 225x3, 225x3, 245x3, 265x3, 275x3, 295x3, 295x3, 315x2

I did the squats after the WOD because I was late to class. The met con was harder than I thought it would be, I wish I would have mentally pushed harder. I feel like I didn't give it all of my mental strength if that makes since to you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back at it

I got back in town at 5pm, we picked up Peanut Butter (our pet Maltiz) and I was at the 6pm CSCF class. Daren sure knows how to stick it to you on a Monday, haha....

warm up
-400 m run
-20 abmat situps
-20 kb swings

Power Clean
165 x 5, 185 x 5, 205 x 3, 225 x 3, 225 x 3

12 min AMRAP:
10 Thrusters (135#)
20 Floor wipers (135#)

I did 5 complete rounds + 6 thrusters......brutal!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

SobeFit 5k......why not?

When we came in town Thursday I saw a sign for a 5k run on Sunday, I thought it would be a cool to run in but wasn't sure if I was going to. When I went to the website yesterday to sign up it showed that registration was I called the phone number on the website and the lady said that the pre-race registration was full but they would have some spots open in the morning if I wanted to come out and sign up. She also said that she has had a lot of people contact her about this race and to secure a spot I would probably need to come out at 3:30 or 4am....the race was at 8am and I thought that was ridiculous so I figured I would not run.

I woke up this morning at 7:20am and thought I would call that lady just to see if there were spots open, sure enough there were 41 spots and she said to hurry because there were still people arriving to sign up. I quickly ate a banana, had an advocare spark energy drink, took a quick shower put on my clothes and rushed out of the hotel to get a cab. The race was starting right off the beach at 8th and ocean drive in South Beach Miami. I made it to the race at about 7:40 and went to the wrong sign up table first and by the time I made it to the right table the guy in front of me got the last spot.....

So I asked the lady if I could PLEASE get a race bib and run the race, she told me to hang around for 10 minutes and she would see what she could do....I waited.

Fortunately for me, I got a spot! So I had about 10 minutes to warm up and then the race began, there were about 1800 runners, here are my results:

Time: 21:06
Pace: 6:48 per mile
Overall Place: 62nd
25-29 Age Group Place: 15th

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Summary until now...

So I have to say that the Affiliate Gathering, known as FilFest 2010, has been awesome so far. Yesterday was the first day and as I am traveling down the elevator to go to the conference it stops on one of the floors and in walks Greg Glassman!! The founder and creator of CrossFit, known to the CrossFit community as Coach. We chatted on the elevator and walked together to the conference. What a way to start the day. (above you will see a pic of Coach, my lovely wife Alicia and I heading out to the beach for the group workout)

The entire first half of the conference was Coach Glassman did the talking, really good stuff. He is very genuine and down to earth guy, he gives the community all of the credit for CrossFit's success.

During lunch we had an opportunity to take the new standardized exm that beginning mid march all Level one Certifications will have to take. This is HUGE for CrossFit, with this CrossFit will be a nationally and worldly accredited certification. All individuals who have attended a certification in the past and are considered certified crossfit trainers (like me) will have to take the test and score an 80% or higher to remain certified. I recieved my test score this morning and I passed!

The afternoon was filled with more great speakers and we ended the day with a KILLER WOD put on by the guys at We Are CrossFit Miami. Here we go....

Friday, February 19th - 5:30pm - Partner WOD (my partner was Dave Castro from CrossFit HQ)

-various drills on the beach, awesome warm up

WOD - it is hard to describe but I'll do my best
3 rounds for time of:
4 stations in a square of:
1. lateral jumps over cones with partner alternating every 5 jumps then wheel barrel carry them to the next station approximately 30 yards switching who carrys who at 15 yards
2. 30 Burpees in the sand alternating every 5 reps with your partner then backward run 30 yards to the next station, your partner is in the straight arm push up position while the other partner is doing burpees
3. 30 reps of Knees to elbows Planks counting one rep as a left and right knee to elbow, each partner does 5 reps then planks while the other partner goes then we had to carry our partner 30 feet (15 feet each) to the next station
4. 30 PVC overhead squats alternating every 5 reps while the partner stays in the squat position with bar overhead then sprint back to the first station

3 rounds was INTENSE! It took us 15:19 and we were about the 3rd or 4th group to finish. I was exhausted but loved the wod!

This morning I worked out at the expo with some of the equipment that one of the vendors(SORINEX) brought. I worked out with 3 other affiliates and we did....


warm up

Strength - Deadlift
135 x 10, 225 x 5, 275 x 5, 275 x 5, 305 x 5

Met Con - I'll have to explain this a little

We had four stations which were-

1. Sled push 10 yards then pull 10 yards in a circle
2. 53# Kettle Bell Swing
3. Jump rope with a thick rope, really thick and heavy (double unders are impossible with this rope it's so thick)
4. 255# Deadlifts

So the person pushing and pulling the sled in a circle was the pacer, we rotated through the circuit and did as many reps as possible until the sled got back. We did 4 rounds....awesome WOD!

Then.....the Concept 2 Row people are here and they have a new product, the skier. They are doing a challenge to see who can ski 100 meters then shoot this video game gun into 5 holes (I know, really confusing) from about 25 yards away for time. If you miss a hole you have to do 5 burpees and you have to ski 500 total meters, so it is 5 rounds. Here is what I did:

ski 100 meters
missed 3 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 0 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 2 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 2 shots
ski 100 meters
missed 0 shots

35 burpees (because I missed 7 shots)

Time: 6:21

To sum this all up, I am exhausted but loving the conference!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

South Beach!

Landed in Miami a few hours ago, decided today is a good day to take a rest day. I had a really short hard workout Monday, probably the best run of my life Tuesday followed by heavy deadlifts, and an insanely long row yesterday followed by a brutally long wod yesterday. So, I am taking the day off and planning on hitting the beach workout tomorrow at 5pm really hard. All of the crossfit affiliates attending the conference are doing a huge wod tomorrow on the beach, should be fun, I'll be sure and post some pics and what we do!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Go big or go home

Well, I had no intention in doing a row today but I got a text message from Daren asking if I wanted to join him in a 10k row. I could not say no.....

warm up
-barely anything, modified circuit

10k Row (yes, that is 10,000 meters)

Time: 42:16

I felt good the whole time, I just paced myself. It was a long time to be sitting on that rower, I stopped for a few seconds and drank water every 2500 meters.

Here is the workout that I intended on doing today, the final chipper from the 2009 CrossFit Games:

warm up
-a few squat cleans and thrusters

155# Squat Cleans x 15
Toes to Bar x 30
24" Box Jumps x 30
Muscle Ups x 15 (Since I can't do Muscle ups I subbed 3 ring pull ups and 3 ring dips for 1 muscle up, so I ended up doing 45 ring pull ups and 45 ring dips)
45# DB Push Press x 30
Double Unders x 30
135# Thrusters x 15
Pull ups x 30
Burpees x 30
300 feet walking lunges with a 45# plate overhead

Time: 31:09

This was a really tough workout, the ring pull ups and dips took forever. I need to start working on muscle ups. The weight was heavy but I could handle it. This is a workout that I need to be able to move through a lot faster.

I am heading to Miami tomorrow morning for the CrossFit Affiliate Gathering, I am really excited! It is a 2 day conference where they will talk to us about several things related to CrossFit, there is a great line-up of speakers. I will try and post, we are supposed to do a big group workout on the beach Friday at 5pm, I bet it will be brutal.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Huge Success/Big Failure

I did a workout modeled after the 2009 CrossFit Games today, it was the 1st and a scaled 2nd event. Here are my results:

9am - 6.17 mile run

Time: 46:18

Garmin Stats-
7:31 min./mile pace
1008 calories


Heavy Deadlift increasing 10 pounds every 30 seconds starting with 225:
225 x 1
235 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
265 x 1
275 x 1
285 x 1
295 x 1
305 x 1
315 x 1
325 x 1
335 x 1
Failed 345 x 1

Today I ran the fastest 6 miles I have ever ran, I felt great, the weather was perfect and I had Will on a bike pacing me and telling me to speed up (which helped a lot). I am very happy with my run, I felt great and can tell that my running has improved tremendously this past year. As for the deadlifts, I am very disappointed with my strength, I need to get stronger. I know that is my weakness.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Killer WOD

I went to the 5pm class today and all I can say is....WOW....

Warm up
-10 x db push press (20#)
-20 x pvc overhead squat

Skill - Snatch Balance
Bar x 5
65 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5

Met Con -

SDHP (75/55#)

Time: 8:58

This workout was really hard, it took me half an hour to recover. I really need to work on my snatch balance.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rest Day

Today I decided to take a day off from the workouts and spend Valentines Day with my lovely wife.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Training the in-law


Warm up
-10 push ups x 2
-10 squats x 2
-250 m row

Strength - Bench Press
135 x 10
185 x 3
205 x 3
235 x 3
255 x 3
275 x 3

Met Con -
3 rounds of:
500m row
135# Power Clean x 12
95# Thrusters x 15

Time: 15:10

Today was fun, my brother-in-law from corpus and his brother who is a sophomore at A&M and my younger brother came to work out with me. My little brother has not worked out in 3 months and my brother-in-law has never done crossfit before, so I had to break him in...lightly of course ;-) I modified the workout for them and had them do:
1 mile bike, 12 abmat sit ups, 15 x 30# thrusters
200m row, 12 abmat sit ups, 15 x 30# thrusters
1 mile bike, 12 abmat sit ups, 15 x 30# thrusters
for time.
It was a good wod for them; meanwhile I was killing myself with the main site workout from Thursday (modified). The main site had 5 rounds prescribed but I felt like I would have done more harm than good after 3 rounds so I stopped. I will definitely come back and do the prescribed wod in a couple weeks. My thrusters felt good it was the power cleans that got me. I really didn't have it in me to push hard on the 2nd and 3rd row.
My bench press felt good, I think I need to do Linda (3 bars of death) prescribed this week and work on heavy power cleans and deadlifts.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feeling the pain today

Woke up really sore today....everywhere. Decided to go to the 7am CSCF class:

Warm up
-20 x double unders
-10 x pvc overhead squat

Strength - Snatch Grip Deadlift
135 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 5
235 x 5

Met Con -
50 Cal Row
50 Floor-wipers (115#)
50 Kb Swings(53#)

Time: 6:40

The snatch grip was pretty tough to hold, I felt like my grip didn't allow me to go up in weight. I was pumped about my met con b/c I really wanted to split the kb swings into 2 sets of 25 but I did all 50 unbroken, thanks for the encouragement Daren.

10:30am - Bike/Row with Daren

10 min. Bike (seated) - about 4 miles
5 min. row (1200 m)
10 min. Bike (standing) - about 4 miles
5 min. row (1230 m)
10 min. Bike (seated) - about 4 miles

This was a good cardio session, especially after yesterdays workouts.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

2009 Games Couplet and 2008 Games WOD

I decided to do the 5th workout of the 2009 CrossFit Games this morning, all I can say is WOW....

warm up
-400 m row
-pvc stretch
-bergenger warm-up (modified)
-some hang and power snatches with the bar,65# and 75#

WOD - 2009 Games Couplet
3 rounds for time of:
30 x squat snatch 75# (bar must start below knees every rep)
30 x wall ball 20#

Time 17:47
rested 5 minutes then....

Tabada Double Unders
1st- 30
2nd- 21
3rd- 19
4th- 15
5th- 15
6th- 15
7th- 20
8th- 22

This workout kills your legs and lower back, I am amazed that all of the athletes at the games did this as their 5th workout of the day. I am planning on doing the deadlift burpee 2008 games wod at the box this afternoon.

6pm CSCF Class

warm up
-250m row
-15 x db push press (15#)
-10 x abmat sit ups

Strength - Shoulder Press
95# x 3
105# x 3
115# x 2
125# x 2
135# x 3
145# x 3

Met Con - 2008 Games WOD
5 rounds for time of:
275# Deadlift x 5
Burpees x 10

Time: 3:30

I didn't try to go very hard on the shoulder press this afternoon, I just worked on form and full extension. My legs were really tired after this mornings workout, I really felt them on the 4th round of burpees. I was really proud of myself for going continuous on my burpees and taking minimal rest in between, great day of workouts.....I will feel this for a couple days.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I just want to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who sent me a message and wished me a happy b-day yesterday, it really made me feel special. Each one of you have a special place in my heart and we have shared special moments together. Thanks for your friendship and an ENORMOUS thanks to my wife Alicia for making me feel like the most loved husband in the world! Oh yea, thanks to my dog Peanut Butter for being with me at my time of birth, 9:15am, he didn't even know it was my birthday birthtime!

Active Recovery day - Run

Garmin stats-
5.47 miles
Time - 46:38
Pace - 8:48
Calories - 858

Great day for a run, about 40 degrees and just the right amount of wind. My legs were a little tight after doing those thrusters yesterday but I think today was a great day for my run. Planning on lifting some heavy weight the next couple days.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

28 Years

Today marks a special day in my life, not just because it is my birthday but because it was exactly 10 years ago when I decided to change the direction of my life. You hear how people sometimes say that you can go in different paths throughout life, how certain decisions you make can decide the rest of your life? This is very true, 10 years ago I decided that I wasn't going to be overweight, out of shape and unhappy with the way I looked and felt anymore.
When I turned 18 I was a senior in high school and I had fed my body junk for 18 years. My body looked that way too, I drank sodas, ate tacos, Chinese food, chips and name junk and I loved it and ate it regularly. I played football from 7th - 12th grade, was a varsity player my junior and senior year, but not because I worked out or worked hard. I hated running, was very slow, I rolled dice in the corner of the weight room during team workouts instead of lifting weights, pretty much I only liked playing the games and dreaded all the work that was involved in the sport.
These 10 years have been a journey and a huge blessing from God. I feel that He has used "fitness" to bring me closer to Him. I am also very blessed to have a wife who supports that and who is my biggest fan. She cheers me on at every race or event, understands my addiction to working out, cooks me healthy meals just the way I like them, even at 5am before I go to work, and the best thing is she feels this way no matter how inconvenient it can be at times.
All that "Train With Charlie" has been built on is a person who has grown to love working out and seen the amazing difference eating healthy can make and has wanted to share that with every person he comes in contact with since he found out. I feel like my experience is a map, it is information that leads anyone who follows the plan to an amazing treasure, a treasure that makes life great - the treasure of health - the treasure of feeling healthy and looking healthy. This treasure is also one that I feel God wants everyone of His children to find.
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).
The best thing about this map is that several people know the path, it is not a complicated thing. It is rather simple - eat healthy by putting things in your body that make it function properly and stay active enough at appropriate intensity for your age and lifestyle...that's it!
Of course the hard part is doing it, but, all it takes is a mental switch. For me, I was 18 when that switch flipped on. I had specific reasons for turning that switch on that are unique to me and my life at the time. For you it could be other reasons, but I assure you that when you flip that switch and begin your journey your life will change. Some of you are on your journey, and before you get frustrated because you are not getting the results you hoped for remember that those frustrations are part of the journey; and remember that I have been on my journey for 10 years. And I intend on being on my journey the rest of my life.
Ok, I could write forever but eventually you would stop reading so I will go ahead and post my workout for today:

6am CSCF Class:
Warm up -
overhead squat x 20 (22#)
barbell lunges x 10 (22#)
Strength - Split Jerk
45 x 3 (right leg)
95 x 3 (right leg)
135 x 3 (right leg)
135 x 3 (left leg)
155 x 3 (right leg)
155 x 3 (left leg)
Met Con - "Charlie" - for my b-day
21 Thrusters (115#) - did all 21 in a row
12 burpees
15 Thrusters - did 5 , 5 , 5
9 burpees
9 Thrusters - did 5 , 4
6 burpees
Time: 6:29

I really need to work on my split jerk, I am going to start watching a lot of video and have Daren watch me because after this morning I can tell it needs work. The met con was really good, I'm glad Daren recommended I do 115#. The burpees were actually a recovery for me, don't get me wrong, I was tired but my burpees were continuous and I was recovering from my thrusters while I did them. I am planning on doing a 2nd workout with Daren at 10:30am, a little lifting and a 5k row.


Warm up

Skill - double unders
Max consecutive reps (3 attempts)
1st - 76
2nd - 73
3rd - 3 (switched to a different rope so I am not counting this one)
3rd - 65

5k Row for time with Daren & Will -
Charlie - 20:10
Daren - 18:58
Will - 18:56

That row was brutal, great job guys!
max consecutive reps double unders (3 sets)

Monday, February 8, 2010

6pm class

I'm heading to the box right now to do the WOD, I'll post weights and times later tonight or tomorrow. I'm aiming for 155# on OHS X 10.
Warm up -
400 m run
20 db push press (20#)

Strength - Overhead Squats
115 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 10
175 x 6 (attempted 10)

5 rounds for time:
20 Squats

Time: 3:41

This was a really good workout, I was really pumped about the overhead squats. I was shocked when I realized my third set was 155#, I was increasing 20# each set and I originally intended to increase 10# each set and end with 155#. I think I can get 175# 10 times next time I try. The amazing thing was that just 3 weeks ago we did 5 sets of 3 reps overhead squats and these were my numbers -
135 x 3
135 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 3
155 x 3 (did 2 and failed 3rd attempt)
155 x 3 (did all 3)
And I remember my wrist REALLY hurting after this workout. I am happy that my strength is coming back. I would like to overhead squat 200 pounds by the end of February.
The met con was tough, I did all my handstand push ups unbroken but need to get more depth on them. I will definitely be working on them this month.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dot Com

I decided to do the WOD today, it looked good and my shoulder was a little tender from yesterday so I didn't think I needed anything too shoulder demanding. This was a GREAT core workout!

Warm up
-2k row (7:57)

WOD - "Stephen"
30-25-20-15-10-5 rep rounds of:
GHD sit-up
Back extension
Knees to elbow
95 pound Stiff legged deadlift

Time: 33:53

I definitely didn't have it in me to fly through this wod, I watched the superbowl and just went through it at a regular pace. Like I said, great core wod, perfect for today. My shoulder even feels 10 times better than it did earlier.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

OHS and Franlike WOD

I am about to head up to the box and do this, I have a busy day so I might not post weights, time and comments until later -

Warm up
-pvc stretch x 10
-kb swing x 10 (53#)
-pull ups x 10
-overhead squat x 10 (pvc and barbell)

Overhead Squat
115# x 15
125# x 15
135# x 15

5 rounds of:
10 x Thrusters (95#)
20 x Pull ups
rest 2 minutes in between each set, ended up doing 20 burpees instead of 20 pull ups on the last set

Final Time - 17:44

I definitely felt this one get harder, my first round was 1:21, second round was 1:46, 3rd round 2:07, 4th round 2:00 and 5th round with burpees instead of pull ups was 2:29. I really liked this workout, the 2 minutes rest allowed me to really push. This is a great Fran trainer.

Oh yea, and the 15 rep overhead squats were brutal!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Active Recovery - Run

Thanks for the advice Daren, I think you are right. It felt good to get away from the weights today.

3 mile run
Garmin stats -
8:10 minute pace/mile
486 calories burned

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Heavy Squat Clean & Press/Diane

warm up
-3 rounds of 10 push ups
Strength - Squat Clean & Press
65 x 2
95 x 2
135 x 2
185 x 1
195 x 1
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1 (3 sets)

Met Con - Diane
21,15,9 of:
225# Deadlifts
Hand Stand Pushups (feet on the wall and tapping head on 2 abmats stacked)
Time: 9:15

I think the jump from 135# to 185# was too much, if you look at my weights I went back down after my first set of 195#, I don't think I was accustomed to the heavier weight with just one set at 135#. I list all of my sets because I want people to see that it takes quite a bit of reps to get accustomed to the movement. If I were to only list actual working sets, I would only list the 2 sets at 195# and 3 sets at 205#. So I actually only did 5 sets of one rep.

As for Diane, man...that was a challenge. I need to be able to do my deadlifts unbroken. Surprisingly I felt better on the set of 15 and 9 reps, I felt much better with the two exercises than I did on the 21. I have not done handstand push ups in a really long time either. The first set of 21 of each took me too long. IO really enjoyed todays workout but my body is telling me I need a rest day.....but I don't want to listen! What should I do based on this weeks workouts? Coach Daren? Or anyone else who has a comment?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two a Day

10am -
Warm up -
Strength - Squats
Bar x 5
115 x 5
165 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 3
260 x 3
275 x 3 x 4 sets
21,15,9 of:
Glute Ham Back Ext.
Glute Ham Sit ups

Got a good stregth workout this morning and planning to go to the 5:45pm CS CrossFit class this afternoon.

5:45pm CS CrossFit class
Warm up
-10 DB Push Press
-10 Double Unders
Strength - Push Press
Bar x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
Met Con -
Double Unders 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2
Wall Ball 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Time 6:01
Post W.O.D. - worked on pull ups - butterfly and kipping

My push presses felt really good, I liked the 5 rep count. As for the met con, I didn't really blast myself so it was a good conditioning session.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cardio Recovery Day


Warm up-
800 m run

Met Con -

5 rounds for time:
400 m run
500 m row

Time: 19:59

This was the perfect workout for today, my body was blasted from yesterday. I was aiming for under 20 minutes and barely made it.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Two a Day

Warm up -
Bergenger warm-up with Barbell
-snatch shrug x 10
-snatch shrug elbows out x 10
-muscle snatch x 10
-hang snatch x 10
-snatch balance x 10
-power snatch x 10
3 rounds of:
Glute Ham Back Ext. x 10
Glute Ham Sit-ups x 10

Met. Con.
4 rounds for time:
95# Power Snatch x 7
95# Snatch Balance x 7
95# Overhead Squat x 7

Time: 17:30

This workout kicked my butt, my traps were toast. I intended on doing 7 rounds but felt like if I kept going it would just be torcher on my shoulders and risking injury due to sloppy form. I'm a little bummed, I am going to come back and try the full 7 rounds in 3-4 weeks.

6pm - CS CrossFit class

Warm up
-rushed through the circuit b/c I was late to class
5 burpees

Met. Con.
25 Pullups
50 Deadlifts (135 lbs )
50 Pushups
50 Box jumps
50 Floor wipers (135 lbs )
50 Kb Clean and Press (16Kg)
25 Pullups

Time 17:49

I was a little hesitant to do this workout after doing the snatch workout earlier, my traps/shoulders were still feeling it. But the 300 workout is not that heavy, just metabolically challenging so I thought it would be ok. I definitely need to improve on this WOD.