Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh yea


warm up
-400m run
3x10 ring dips

Overhead Squats
(5 X 10)
155 x 10, 155 x 10, 155 x 10, 155 x 10, 155 x 10
(5 x 5)
185 x 5, 185 x 5, 185 x 3(failed 4th), 185 x 4(failed 5th), 185 x 5, 190 x 5, 195 x 3(failed 4th)

Snatch Squat 95#
Pull ups (Chest to Bar - 10 burpee penalty if I came down before the end of a set)

Time: 11:20

I didn't do my burpee penalties during the wod, I saved them for after. I did 60 burpees an hour after the wod in 4:04.

Man, we did a ton of overhead squats today. I definitely would not have worked as hard without Will and "the Electrician", great push guys. I think we each yelled at eachother in the down position of the squat to "get up!".

That met con was tough, it's just hard for me to do those pull ups, and my legs were toast from all those overhead squats so the snatch squats were brutal. I was happy that I got my last set of snatch squat unbroken.


Here are my times for the BCS Games wods:

1st wod(10:30am) - well, when we did the workouts last monday we only did 400m run and I finished in 10:20. Saturday I did the rx'd wod in 15:20...oh, and I did 5 burpee penalties for accidentally dropping the bar before the last 600m run.

2nd wod(11:15am) - 1st attempt - 365# (got it) then I rested exactly one minute like we originally planned and - 2nd attempt - 385# (got it) then rested exactly 1 min and failed 405#.

3rd wod(11:45am) - thruster/burpee - 6:31. I was amazed at the times I saw out there on saturday. A guy named Matt Brisboise from Denton County finished in 4:08....WOW! He is an amazing athlete and finished the BCS Games in 2nd place.

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