Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Goal Accomplished

I ran the Half Marathon in Houston this morning, the weather was perfect and the race was amazing. The last time I ran in this race was one year ago, it was my first full marathon and it was also a beautiful and memorable day. Today was especially great because my wife and I were both running together, it was exactly 3 years ago that we ran this race together and it was my first attempt at a half marathon. My time that day was 1:56:23, I felt really good about it and thought that 13.1 miles would be the most I would ever run. Well, I couldn't resist running more, haha.

Today my goal was to run the half marathon in 1:45:00, which I have to say is a very high goal for me. One of the TWC trainers, Will Schaub, recommended that if I wanted to finish the race in 1:45:00, I should start the race at a 8 minute mile pace and try to maintain that pace until the last few miles then pick it up if I could. I was a little worried about following this advice, I was afraid that I would not be able to maintain that pace. I thought that I should start the race at a 9 minute mile pace and warm up, then pick up my pace at mile 8 or 9. Fortunately I followed Will's advice. I started the race at an 8 minute mile pace and actually maintained that pace throughout the entire race. Some miles were 8:03 and some were 7:57, but they all averaged out just right because I finished the race in 1:44:12, I am so amazed that I was able to do this. Out of the 13,000 plus runners today who ran the half marathon I finished in the top 5%.

I am now officially convinced that any person can improve their physical genetic make up if they work hard and put their mind to it. If you know me personally, or have read my book, then you know I am not a runner. I am not built like a runner and I have never been a fast runner. So for me to run a 1:44:12 and average a 7:56 minute mile is a miracle or a product of hard work (and of course answered prayers). Some of you reading this are thinking about one day running something, whether it's 1 mile or a 26 mile marathon. But you might be a little worried, you might think you can't do it because "you're not a runner". Well I'm here to tell you that's not true, anyone can do it, just train for it, train your body to run. A book I just started reading is really interesting, it is called Born To Run and it is about a tribe called the "Tahamaru". I am only five chapters into the book but the book explains that the human body was born to run, we simply choose not to.

My next goal in 2010 is an even bigger challenge. I am registered for the CrossFit Sectionals competition in Austin on the weekend of March 13-14. This will be full of the best CrossFit athletes in the state. I have not been CrossFitting that much since I have been running so much, but all of that will change starting tomorrow. Tomorrow I will begin focusing on getting stronger, increasing my muscular endurance and all of my CrossFit weaknesses (I have plenty, trust me). This will be a big challenge, but I am ready for it and will give it everything I have.

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