After taking some time off from blog posting I am back and my goal is to post good info and thoughts a minimum of two times per week. Please feel free to comment or ask questions about anything I post.
Today I would like to pass along a great solution for ripping your hands. I know we have some people from our box who ripped their hands last week and occassionally come close to ripping their hands on pull ups. I was reading my friends blog the other day (Travis Kepp from CrossFit Champions) and he posted this link -
Go there and learn how to tape yourself up next time you rip your hands.
*I am very proud of all of our athletes who competed at CrossFit Champions Octoberfest Obliteration 2. Here are some results from the CSCF athletes:
Female Scaled Division:
Amie Mccoy - 6th place
Carol Rodriquez - 13th place
Rebekah Robeson - 16th place
Amy Gonzalez - 25th place
Male Scaled Division:
Coach Daren Endsley - 1st place!!!
Gary Guilbeau - 18th place
Standard Female Division:
Caroline Wolf - 7th place
Standard Male Division:
Me - 5th place
Coach Will Schaub - 9th place
We had two teams but I only saw results for one of them - 15th place. Team members included:
Coach Marcos Mendez
Jonathan Haynes
Nathan Green
Lindsay Mcguire
George Mccoy
Scott Lengren
Ben Rios
Glenda Hoon
As our CSCF community grows and as we travel to various competitions I pray that we continue to be a light to those who see us. It was so awesome to see how our community interacted with eachother and others.
John 13: 34 - 35 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Those are my hands!! That was a painful few days...hah!
ReplyDeleteHey, Great job guys at OktoberFest Obliteration. Hope to see you guys at the Atomic CrossFit Hammer and Chisel!
So I am a rock climber and am new to crossfit. In climbing the above picture is an everyday reality, especially for those that climb outside. A very awesome solution is a hand salve called "Climb On". If you get ripped skin, also called a flapper, on your palm or fingers this is a perfect solution. Climb On is an all natural product so it does have a shelf life. Here is the website if you are interested! Have a good day!
Ohh!!! I forgot to add that a really good treatment is to rub the climb on all over your your hands then put them in clean gloves over night. Your hands will feel brand new in the morning!