What motivates you? Who motivates you? When you get excited about an exercise program or a nutrition program what triggers your mind to get completely focused?
I was thinking about this today because I am coming off of one of the most exciting "training seasons" I have ever experienced. Back in December when I decided to compete in the CrossFit Sectionals competition I began a "training season" that lasted until mid to late June. This "training season" is a period of time where I feel like my mind, body and spirit were all working together to make my workouts the most effective and intense they have ever been. This season lasted almost 6 months, that's a long time now that I think about it.
I experienced a similar "training season" in the Fall of 2009 when I did a sprint triathlon in July, an Olympic Triathlon in September, a Half Ironman in October, a marathon in November and another marathon December. Now when I look back at that "training season" I think to myself that I was nuts! But all it was is a "training season" - a period of time where my mind, body and spirit worked together and made me give 100% of my effort.
I feel like I am always following a strict diet and a consistent workout routine, but only during a "training season" do I really make progress in becoming a better athlete and a more fit individual. During the "off-training season" I am simply maintaining my fitness level and not really improving.
I only bring this up because I think anyone reading this blog can relate but you maybe never thought of it this way. When you are in a "training season" you are more focused, more excited and definitely more consistent on all levels of fitness. Some "training seasons" last one week, others one month and they could last even longer. But you will definitely know when they end. You won't feel quite as motivated, maybe you feel like your body needs to recover and maybe you just feel like taking some time off.
So what do you do in an "off-training season"? You definitely do not want to quit, or else you might really set yourself back from where you were before you lost motivation. I suggest talking to someone who you respect and look up to who can ignite that desire in you to get back in a "training season". Someone who knows you and who knows how to push your buttons, it could be a friend, a coach or even your spouse. Tell them you are lacking motivation and you need some direction on your training and your diet. You can also sign up for a race, a competition or some kind of event. There are plenty of these and if you feel like you are not ready for this you need to rethink that thought. I promise you that there is something out there you can do or train for.
I am assuming that if you are reading this then you are probably already working out, so I am telling people who are feeling like they are in a "slump" or what I am calling an "off-training season" what to do to get back into a "training season".
If you currently do not workout or eat healthy then you need to start by contacting someone who can guide you in the right direction. The "training season" and "off-training season" is what someone goes through who already works out regularly. I am just trying to get you to recognize the difference of these two seasons in order to get you back into a "training season". Does this make sense?
It is completely normal to feel this way, but it is critical not to stay in this "off-training season". Because it is in this "off-training season" that you lose sight of your accomplishments thus far and your future potential.
I am definitely in an "off-training season" right now. I just signed up for a CrossFit competition in Dallas on August 13th to get back "in season"!
2 Corinthians 8:10-11 I suggest that you finish what you started a year ago, for you were the first to propose this idea, and you were the first to begin doing something about it. Now you should carry this project through to completion just as enthusiastically as you began it.
Thanks for the post! I really needed to read this. I'm kind of coming off a CrossFit training slump, but very ready to get back into the game!